Glock G26 Gen4. primaryarms. For that matter, the G26 isn't as good as a G19 or G17 at the range either. the price difference today between the shield M2. How do these two handguns stack up against eachother? Glock G-43 Distressed Gray Flag. View Deal . G43x shoots like a smaller gun but better than the 43 just because it’s easier to hold, thinner but the butt sticks out more. Glock 26 Gen 5 9Mm Pistol W/ Glock. Sig Sauer . 279. The main reason is the M&P design has the trigger @99. primaryarms. I find the G19 very comfortable to carry (side note, a bit counterintuitive, but I think the G19’s longer grip with more ammo spreads the weight out better and is actually MORE comfortable than a G26), but the G43 is a whole. 0 Shield. 99 . Check Price . Get cash for your gun or do a trade in. vs. Most of the time I use a Blackhawk Serpa 2 OTW paddle holster for both. 00 . Check Price . 5 more deals from guns. Glock 26 vs 43 and 43X Differences. 410. G26 is double-stack, while P365 is single-stack. kygunco. Check Price . Kahr CM9. 410. In conclusion, the Glock 43 is an excellent example of everything the 9mm single stack should be and a superb carry gun. Glock G43 vs Heckler & Koch P30SK. Glock G43 For Sale . However, I imagine both of these guns are available at. 565. 279. G26 CC. . primaryarms. G43 vs. Smith & Wesson CSX. Or another way of looking at it is that you could load the 26 with 4 less bullets and it would weight the same as the 43. I like it! The G26 will be carried again this fall/winter when cover garments are heavier. 7 rounds of 9mm + a spare mag or two is plenty. Compare the dimensions and specs of Glock G26 Gen5 and Glock G26Glock G19 Gen4 vs Glock G43X. The trigger pull length is shorter on the G43. 99 . Glock 26 Gen 5 9Mm Pistol W/ Glock. . View Deal . Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 20 of 104 Posts. The weight is interesting - loaded the 26 is 4 ounces heavier but you get 4 more bullets. 410. 3 oz ( 30. G42 is slightly smaller enough that it’s not a fair comparison between it and the P365. 565. The 43 is for just certain occasions. View Deal . . Glock G26 Gen5. 95 oz unloaded and 22. Glock 26 Gen 5 9Mm Pistol W/ Glock. bereli. New GLOCKS: GLOCK 26 vs GLOCK 43X. . . View Deal . The mag capacity for the G26 is 10, with the option to significantly expand. primaryarms. . It had great qualities, and Glock deserves praise for that great little gun. And now the G43X versus a Gen 3 G26. lockedloaded. GLOCK 43 vs. primaryarms. 276. . 279. primaryarms. 15 more deals from guns. Glock G26 Gen5. Most of my G26 holsters would work. View Deal . Cmmg Dissent Mk4 20Th Anniversary Semi . Do I print with the OTW holster or even the 34 ITW? Sure, but no one has ever said a. Add to quote; Share Only show this user. Finally today I bench rested the pistol and fired some 7 round groups to find the gun shoots consistently at 7 o'clock and the groups are about 6" or so. Striker-Fired Subcompact Pistol Chambered in 9mm Luger . They had several G43's and one G26 which was right beside one of the G43's. I think some people call that the hump. in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire siteCompare the dimensions and specs of Glock G43 and Sig Sauer P365Compare the dimensions and specs of Glock G43 and Sig Sauer P365I'm sure this has been contemplated by just about every Glock owner wanting a Sub-Compact Which one would you pick of the two G26 vs G43 I know the G43 is smaller, thinner, lighter in weight but the G26 fills the hand a bit better has extra ammo capacity & also the option to use G17, G18 & G19. 7 oz) G43 6 Rounds + mag (6 rds) + Holster & Mag Holster = 1 lb 14. General Glocking. Striker-Fired Subcompact Pistol Chambered in 9mm Luger . Conversely, the Glock 43 has a single stack magazine that can only hold six rounds. Where the G26 has a real advantage is more likely to be at the range. vs. 349. Glock G43 vs Springfield Hellcat Micro Compact. 410. 349. In. Glock 26 has steep-angled grip, while Sig Sauer P365 has a traditional angle. Glock G43. #GLOCK43 #GLOCK26 #GLOCK Just a quick overview of the 2 Guns. Glock G43. 43; Best Holsters For The Glock 43; Carry Holsters For Glock 43; Best Glock 43 OWB Holsters. Tried the G43X vs G26 and despite being handicapped by the short grip on reloads, the G26 worked far better than the 43X across the stages. I would get the Gen 4 mag release. General Glocking. Check Price . Beretta 92 Full Size Police Special 9Mm Pistol . View Deal . A lot of press. 99 . Beretta 92 Full Size Police Special 9Mm Pistol . Check Price . G26 VS G43. BUT, the 26/27 are definitely still concealable and carry more ammo. guns. There is a difference in magazine capacity when comparing Glock 26 vs. Compatible with Gen 4 Glock® G43 Slide Assemblies; Compatible with Glock® G43 Magazines; P80 Sub-Compact Pistol Frame. View Deal . -lbs. 0 Shield . G43 . Add to quote; Share Only show this user. Left: Single Stack, Right: Double Stack. Check Price . If you're talking about a heavy winter coat pocket, a G26 would work well. com . During our dry firing test on both pistols. 410. 30 . Pocitově je v ruce rozdíl ale výraznější (G43/G26), než. 7 vs 11 is a larger difference than 8 vs 11 - enough so that it is more of a consideration when carrying. but the real test was shooting all of them in IDPA. vs. Glock 26 Gen 5 9Mm Pistol W/ Glock. primaryarms. G26 vs G43: G43 vs G26. Personally I have a plain 43, if I go bigger, I go to the G19. Compare the dimensions and specs of Glock G43 and Kahr CW9General Glocking. 410. 69 Glock 26 capacity- 10+1 I took these stats from both companies sites. G43 je velikostně (délkou) bližší G26 a charakteristika „G43 = jednořadá G26“ tak není daleko od pravdy a rozhodovací proces G26 vs. 30 . Check Price . I was handed the G26. lockedloaded. View Deal . 5 more deals from guns. G26 Gen4 . Rock Island 1911 Tactical 9Mm 5" 8Rd Pistol . G26 10 Rounds + Mag (10 rds) + Holster & Mag Holster = 2lb 5. Broke my glock speed loader trying to get 12th round in. Glock G43 vs Ruger LCR. Now that we've covered the commonalities between each of these pistols, let's look at. Beretta 92 Full Size Police Special 9Mm Pistol . Striker-Fired Subcompact Pistol Chambered in 9mm Luger . 565. txgolfer45. View Deal . Advanced Search Cancel Login / Join. Glock G43X. com . as for mag capacity, using a mag extension on your 43 gets you a grip length similar to the 43X minus a couple rounds. vs. Glock 26 G26 Baby Glock . . CZ . Glock 26 Gen 5 9Mm Pistol W/ Glock. Taurus G3c. Glock 26 Gen 5 9Mm Pistol W/ Glock. All boils down to your attire, size of pockets, pant or coat pocket, and the . I recently got a G43 to carry with gym clothes. Jump to Latest FollowGlock G43 vs Smith & Wesson Model 637. G26 vs G43. gbroiker has not been and is not today “$50” but over $100. primaryarms. 9oz (507gr) G26 - 21. Check Price . Glock G27 Gen4. General Glocking. This cuts the size of the Glock 43 down by a large margin and makes it much easier to conceal (and a lot more comfy to carry for some people). Glock G42 For Sale . It’s hard to imagine a scenario where 16 rounds wouldn’t be enough in a defensive situation. Here we have the Glock 43X versus the Glock 26 while asking the question, which is better? Each Glock model has advantages and disadvantages when compared to. lockedloaded. Check Price . 42. Daily Deals . Jump to Latest Follow. OWB a Glock 26 blows the G43 away. In other categories, the differences are measured in fractions of an inch and others are identical. Glock G43. 38 . com . 0 and G43 is $130. Striker-Fired Subcompact Pistol Chambered in 9mm Luger . The G26 is very accurate, reliable and durable. com . 9% Glock 26 Votes: 22 61. 4,772 Posts. I get another gun. PF940SC is the sub-compact frame that’s compatible with the Glock 26 Gen 3 subcompact pistol. Glock G43. The 43x I feel has taken off very well due to its weight, size and manageability not so much capacity. Glock G43. The G43/43x platform is what 4 years oldish and made A LOT of people happy following suit of the entire Glock line-up. This post made me wonder is there a market for a Glock 26X? Or a Glock 26 slide on a 19 frame and grip. com . Handgun Search;. Just ask to hold both at the store and if you think you could have the 26 on you everyday then go for it. com . Sig can fit 2 to 3 fingers on the grip, while Glock has a fairly short grip. The other picture shows where the 19 doesn’t fit my hand as well. vs. 410. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsIf you had to pick G26 OR G43, what one would you carry and why .